
PortProton Woudn't launch with pcmanfm

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When i try to launch an exe file from portproton, I get this error


I tried this with other file managers such as thunar, dophin & nautilus but they work fine. The only file manager where i encountered this issue is pcmanfm. I can also launch the game from terminal by

/home/tom/.local/share/PortWINE/PortProton/data/scripts/ /home/tom/Games-self/Files/Metal\ Gear\ Solid\ V\ The\ Phantom\ Pain/mgsvtpp.exe

but not using

/home/tom/.local/share/PortWINE/PortProton/data/scripts/ file:///home/tom/Games-self/Files/Metal%20Gear%20Solid%20V%20The%20Phantom%20Pain/mgsvtpp.exe

Write a question to the pcmanfm developers.