Flask REST API Template

Repository template for using flask as a restful API.


And Also:

  • Easy development with docker-compose
  • Build pipeline already established for exporting a docker image.
  • Github Actions set up to run Continuous Integration
  • Development task automation with doit
  • 100% Test coverage, including unit and end to end testing
  • Sample Todo app, showcasing how to use the template

Getting Started

Make sure you have, poetry, docker and docker-compose installed and run the following:

$ poetry install
$ poetry run doit bootstrap --name my-application-name
$ docker-compose up

Open localhost:5000/hello, you should be seeing ["Hello", "Flask", "Template!"].

How To

Run automated unit test suite

$ poetry run doit test

Run automated end to end tests

$ docker-compose up
... in another terminal ...
$ poetry run doit e2e