
A list of cool and more rare projects, repos, examples, algorithms, implementations related to doing DSP or music with JavaScript/TypeScript, Audioworklet, etc.

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A list of cool and more rare projects, repos, examples, algorithms, implementations related to doing DSP or music with JavaScript/TypeScript, Audioworklet, etc.

PadSynth implementations in JavaScript/Typescript

Has a demo with a really cool sounding chords https://github.com/mmontag/padsynth-js

Multiple examples of drums, synths, choirs, etc made with Padsynth (need to go through all the repos thou) https://github.com/ryukau?tab=repositories

Has cool and beautiful examples of using Padsynth + many other cool examples of effects, sequencing, synths utilizing AudioWorklet https://github.com/hoch/neutrons

Karplus-Strong string model for guitars and pianos PADsynth for most other instruments Physical modelling: for drums (planned) https://github.com/devoln/web-midisynth

Cool Padsynth demo with Vue.js https://github.com/ar1st0crat/vue-pad-synth