Senior Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer | Software Engineer | Econometrician
I work as a Data Science Consultant and have gathered experience with a variety of industries and projects. I enjoy solving challenging problems and help companies to best utilize their data to achive their business goals.
- R (Since 2013)
- Python (Since 2017)
- SQL (Since 2018)
- API development (Flask, FastAPI) (Since 2019)
- AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda, Batch, Sagemaker, ...) (Since 2019)
- Git, Docker, CI/CD (Jenkins, Github Action, CircleCI) (Since 2018)
- Univariate and multivariate time series analysis
- Tree based methods (XGBoost, CatBoost, ...)
- Machine Learning / AI (ANN, CNN, LSTM, TFT, ...)
- NLP (Transformer, BERT)
- Multivariate Statistics / Predictive Analytics (GAM),
- Bayesian Modelling ((R)STAN)
- Pandas DataFrame Validation with Pydantic - Part 2
- Pandas DataFrame Validation with Pydantic - Part 1
- Python Christmas Decoration
- Marketing Mix Modeling - How Does Advertising Really Work?