pip install pyprote
You can create a project template by changing into the directory you want the template to be created in. Existing files will not be overwritten.
You will have to replace all instances of PY_PRO_TE_FILL_ME_IN
with your own project name, email etc..
pyprote --package_name my_cool_package_name \
--package_version 0.1.0 \
--package_description 'My cool package description' \
--package_author_name 'John Doe' \
--package_author_email john@doe \
--package_link https://cool.package \
--out_dir pyprote_output_dir
pyprote --help
Create a virtual environment.
poetry install
Running the tests requires to run the following command in the root folder (of course in the virtual environment):
poetry run pytest
poetry run black . && \
poetry run isort . && \
poetry run flake8 . && \
poetry run mypy .
Update (calendar) version with bumpver:
poetry run bumpver update --dry --patch
just shows how the version WOULD change.
poetry run bumpver update --patch
To build the package, you need to go to the root folder of the package and run the following command:
poetry build
The built package is now located in the dist/ folder.
Publishing is done automatically using GitHub actions.
Commit to master creates test-pypi release.
Tagged Commit creates real pypi release.