Export to other file types?
jvose001 opened this issue · 4 comments
First of all, I just want to say that this is an amazing tool that has helped many people remove tracks they don't want. I was just wondering if it would be at all possible to be able to export this in a different file format (SHP or KML would be amazing for me, but I'm sure GPX or maybe some others would work) so that I could play with my FoW data in a GIS. I know this may be difficult or impossible as these tracks are stored in such a cryptic format, but I would be very grateful if you could achieve it. Thank you for all the work to make this tool possible!
I now see that a similar suggestion was closed recently, feel free to do the same with this one.
Could you please explain more about the use case regarding the GIS?
As mentioned in #41, converting a bitmap to a vector graph might be an option but I just want to make sure it is not another X-Y problem.
Depending on the use cases, we may have other options. For example, we may provide a real-time tiling service for your own FoW data, such that you can visualize your track using your own tools. What do you think?
#41 Let's move the discussion to here.
Here is what I think: Export fow data to a commonly used / open data format is a solid use case, we shouldn't eagerly mark those request as won't do. However, it can be really tricky in terms of how. In a nutshell, the fow data is a bitmap data and converting it to a vector format like gpx can only be a guess based, best-effort approach. It might not give you the thing you actually want.
So we have to make sure that people actually ok with that kind of result, or export to a more suitable format.