
am I dumb?

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Hi there,

I'm kinda new to quasar. I have followed the instructions...

npm i vue3-q-tel-input

<script> import Vue3QTelInput from 'vue3-q-tel-input' import 'vue3-q-tel-input/dist/vue3-q-tel-input.esm.css' But I got Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: vue3-q-tel-input If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement. So am I doing something wrong? I'm missing something.

I am.

You need to add components: {Vue3QTelInput}, to your export. and @import 'vue3-q-tel-input/dist/vue3-q-tel-input.esm.css' to your style.