My Year of Python Repository

Primary LanguagePython

This is the repo for my "Year of Python" project.

To help stregthen my understanding of Python, I've decided to write one piece of Python Code (script, snippet, etc) every week for 2015. I'm going to put my code weekly in this repo.

My plan is to have the code up by Sunday of each week (in my world the week starts on Monday).

  • YOP - Week 1 Parse NTUSER.DAT keys
  • YOP - Week 2 Download VXShare Hash Files
  • YOP - Week 3 Generate random decimal, binary, and hex numbers
  • YOP - Week 4 Part I: Parsing index.dat file header
  • YOP - Week 5 Part II: Parsing index.dat file header
  • YOP - Week 6 Configuration file code for YOP - Week 2 script
  • YOP - Week 7 Server checking script
  • YOP - Week 8 FAT32 VBA Parsing Script
  • YOP - Week 9 FAT12/16 VBA Parsing Script
  • YOP - Week 10 NTFS VBA Parsing Script
  • YOP - Week 11 OS X FV Brute Force Script
  • YOP - Week 12 Office/XML Malware Base64 decoder script
  • YOP - Week 13 MD5 Hash File Comparison
  • YOP - Week 14 Cookies.sqlite utmz parser
  • YOP - Week 15 MD5 Hash text generator and URL decoder
  • YOP - Week 16 MS15-034 Checking Script
  • YOP - Week 17 index.dat HASH table parser
  • YOP - Week 18 Final Grade Program
  • YOP - Week 19 Code updates for Week 13 and 17 Scripts
  • YOP - Week 20 Prefetch File Header Parsing
  • YOP - Week 21 More Prefetch File parsing
  • YOP - Week 22 Starting to parse out the Windows ESE DB Header
  • YOP - Week 23 Starting to parse out the Windows LNK File Header
  • YOP - Week 24 Continuing with the Windows LNK File Header
  • YOP - Week 25 Windows LNK File Header Part III
  • YOP - Week 26 Windows LNK File Header Part IV
  • YOP - Week 27 Windows LNK File Header Part V
  • YOP - Week 28 Google Safe Browsing checker
  • YOP - Week 29 SQL Database for Week 11 Script
  • YOP - Week 30 YouTube Download Script
  • YOP - Week 31 More work on the Windows ESE DB Header
  • YOP - Week 32 vsFTPd Log Parser
  • YOP - Week 33 Windows Platform Binary Table parser
  • YOP - Week 34 Tkinter GUI for YOP Week 20 Script
  • YOP - Week 35 Simple ewfmount script
  • YOP - Week 36 First go practice at Regular Expressions
  • YOP - Week 37 APT excuse generator
  • YOP - Week 38 Evidence addition script
  • YOP - Week 39 Simple Case Creation Script
  • YOP - Week 40 Case Notes Creation Script
  • YOP - Week 41 Simple Multiplcation tester
  • YOP - Week 42 Chain of Custody entry database
  • YOP - Week 43 Simple IP Research Script
  • YOP - Week 44 Simple Division tester
  • YOP - Week 45 Windows DNS Log to CSV script
  • YOP - Week 46 Windows DNS Log to CSV script - Part II
  • YOP - Week 47 Starting to look at Norton NPE XML Log Files
  • YOP - Week 48 Norton NPE XML Log Files - Part II
  • YOP - Week 49 Norton NPE XML Log Files - Part III
  • YOP - Week 50 Windows DNS Log to SQLite script
  • YOP - Week 51 Script to search Windows DNS Log
  • YOP - Week 52 Script to search string output from memory dump