
arm64 support

Closed this issue · 1 comments


first of all thanks a lot for your plugin! It sounds very promising and useful! However, I run paperless and scanservjs at a Raspberry Pi 64 bit (arm64).

I first installed go using

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf ~/go1.18.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

source ~/.profile

go version shows go1.18.2 linux/arm64, so it worked.

Afterwards, I tried to run the docker container using
docker run --rm ghcr.io/celedhrim/scantopl:master, but it gives WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested exec /usr/bin/scantopl: exec format error

Also, scantopl, /usr/bin/scantopl, /usr/local/scantopl and /usr/local/scantopl cannot be found.

Is there an possibility to use scantopl?

Thanks a lot!

I solved the problem using github.com/Celedhrim/scantopl@master

Afterwards, I could use ~/go/bin/scantopl