
My ranger_keybord fork, with belarusian language support.

Primary LanguagePython

Support hotkeys other keyboard layouts

It is plugin for FM ranger ;). It allows to enable support command hotkeys for other keyboard layouts. By default, Russian and Ukrainian are supported enable. You can add or replace support your keyboard layouts for ranger. To do this, replace the following fields: other_keys, en_keys in a file: ~/.config/ranger/plugins/ranger_multiple_keyboard.py You can use merge mode (usually for S-[0-9]): field other_keys_mm. Simple to fill in the other_keys_mm (see examples in plugin). It do not applied for a pager.

Installation plugin for your ranger

multiple_keyboard.py must be copied to ~/.config/ranger/plugins

version 2.0

fix crash on some file names(preview lags input) with translate-keys navigation in list files:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 4: unexpected end of data

How to fill other other_keys, en_keys and other_keys_mm

  1. You can open your favourite text editor (need support utf-8) and input all keys for your native keyboard layout. For example to do it for German witch more intricate than Cyrillic group.
    1. Your En-inputting for all symbols without pressed Shift and below DE-inputting:
      1. de: qwertzuiopü+asdfghjklöäyxcvbnm,.- and up-numerical ^1234567890ß´
      2. en: qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./ and up-numerical ˋ1234567890-= (ˋ is replaced)
    2. Your En-inputting for alphabetic symbols with pressed Shift and below DE-inputting:
      1. DE: QWERTZUIOPÜ*ASDFGHJKLÖÄYXCVBNM;:_ and up-numerical °!"§$%&/()=?ˋ (ˋ is replaced)
      2. EN: QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>? and up-numerical ~!@#$%^&*()_+
  2. You can see equals hotkeys in column inputting. Deleting it...
    1. de: zü+öäy- and up-numerical ^ß´
    2. en: y[];'z/ and up-numerical ˋ-= (ˋ is replaced)
    3. DE: ZÜ*ÖÄY;:_ and up-numerical °"§&/()=?ˋ (ˋ is replaced)
    4. EN: Y{}:"Z<>? and up-numerical ~@#^&*()_+
  3. Union variables and there are next:
    1. de: zü+öäy- + ZÜ*ÖÄY;:_ + ^ß´ + °"§&/()=?ˋ (ˋ is replaced)
    2. en: y[];'z/ + Y{}:"Z<>? + ˋ-= + ~@#^&*()_+ (ˋ is replaced)
  4. Arrange it for plugin:
    1. Grouping:
      de: "üÜä°§" + 'ö;Ö:' + 'Ä"' + 'ß-/&^`+' + '?_' + '´=)(*' + 'zZyY'
      en: "[{'~#" + ';<:>' + '"@' + '-/&^`+]' + '_?' + '=)(*}' + 'yYzZ'
    2. Part. Fill variable by symbols and utf-8, it will be translated in ascii:
      other_keys    = "üÜä°§" + "öÖ"  + 'Ä' + 'ß'
      en_keys       = "[{'~#" + ";:"  + '"' + '-'
      other_keys_mm = ''
    3. All. Adding merge and handling ascii (fallback):
      other_keys    = "üÜä°§" + "öÖ"  + 'Ä' + 'ß'
      en_keys       = "[{'~#" + ";:"  + '"' + '-' \
      other_keys_mm = '<>@/`^&+]?)(*}yY'
    4. Optimization:
      other_keys    = "üÜä°§öÖ" + 'Äß'
      en_keys       = "[{'~#;:" + '"-' \
      other_keys_mm = '<>@/`^&+]?)(*}yY'
  5. Fill variables (copy/paste) in for plugin using text from 4.4.

So, other_keys and en_keys need for translate letters for utf-8 into ascii, where translated char is a pair map other_keys, en_keys. other_keys_mm need for merge keys for two or more keyboards layout (usually for intersection). Too may been used to translate ascii chars (fallback).

Example support Ukrainian and Russian keyboard layouts

other_keys    = "фисвуапршолдьтщзйкыіегмцчнябюхъїжэєё'" + 'ФИСВУАПРШОЛДЬТЩЗЙКЫІЕГМЦЧНЯБЮХЪЇЖЭЄЁʼ' + '№'
en_keys       = "abcdefghijklmnopqrsstuvwxyz,.[]];''``" + 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSSTUVWXYZ<>{}}:""~ʼ' + '#' \
other_keys_mm = '";:?.,'

Example support for German keyboard layouts

other_keys    = "üÜä°§öÖ" + 'Äß'
en_keys       = "[{'~#;:" + '"-' \
other_keys_mm = '<>@/`^&+]?)(*}yY'

Example support German, Ukrainian and Russian keyboard layouts

other_keys    = "фисвуапршолдьтщзйкыіегмцчнябюхъїжэєё'" + 'ФИСВУАПРШОЛДЬТЩЗЙКЫІЕГМЦЧНЯБЮХЪЇЖЭЄЁʼ' + '№' + "üÜä°§öÖ" + 'Äß'
en_keys       = "abcdefghijklmnopqrsstuvwxyz,.[]];''``" + 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSSTUVWXYZ<>{}}:""~ʼ' + '#' + "[{'~#;:" + '"-' \
                '@$-&/&' + '$-"------&====zZ'
other_keys_mm = '";:?.,' + '<>@/`^&+]_)(*}yY'

Example way to swap keys

other_keys    = ""
en_keys       = "" \
other_keys_mm = "ju"

Merge mode

Unfortunately, in order to completely abandon the merge mode, we need to know the name of the keyboard layout when a key is pressed in a message for the program. It is assumed that this requires a modification of the Linux kernel and keyboard modules. But this would forever solve the input issue for all future console applications in any languages.