
Come up with process for tracking posts

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It seems like right now posts get added by being dumped in /osc/site/content. It's impossible to tell what's a draft and what's published externally, one needs to open individual files and check the line labelled "status".

I think we need either a better directory structure, some sort of clear tracking document, or both. Ideas welcome, and let me know if I'm missing a key part of how this is set up.

I wonder if we can't just save drafts in a /osc/site/content/drafts folder and move them to /osc/site/content when they're ready to be published?

I think we should do that. I also think we should make a "live" folder as well - I don't think it's ideal that posts are in same same folder as several other directories - it makes navigation difficult.

And I still think we want some kind of tracking system. For instance, in Wordpress you have a dashboard of posts that you can filter by status, month posted, author, category, and which shows the # of comments on the post. I think we should figure out which aspects of a post we'd like to have sortable in that, and I guess make ourselves something that does that. Although this seems like a relatively low priority enhancement, I think eventually we'll want it.

For a dashboard that is filterable, I did a search on pelican plugins and packages and found two projects that have a django admin that work with pelican. one project seems to be abandoned, the other one is nascent and doesn't have the features you want. Someone who is familiar with django, or interested in learning a bit, could try building something in django to handle this. Django has a not-bad default admin (I see pydanny has an improved admin package that would bear looking at) and the admin does things like filter on attributes of models. I think a prototype could take one to three days depending on experience.

kind of clunky though.