
wiki slow to load, or doesn't load

AstrobioMike opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

Thanks for your work building and maintaining the OSF :)

I saw this discussed somewhat and addressed to an extent in issue #2053, but that seemed to be more specific to when editing the wiki, rather than all the time.

In my case, some wiki pages won't load at all on Chrome, and load very slowly on safari. I thought it might be just me when i was putting them together, but collaborators and folks I've shared with had similar experiences. I've split larger pages down to try to help, but I'm still having issues even with smaller pages.

I put up an example project here. That main page loads fine, but some of the trouble pages on that example wiki would be this one (3a) or this one (3b) – neither of which seems to load at all on chrome, and can sometimes take over a minute to load on safari.

I can work on safari, and after things do load and i can eventually turn off the View preview, the pages can be edited just fine with no lag at all. But folks having trouble accessing them based on their browser or taking a while to load at best isn't ideal of course.

I'm wondering if it's something with how i'm formatting them, if OSF wiki's just aren't suited for how I'm trying to use them, or if this is something that can maybe be improved?

Thanks :)

@AstrobioMike Sorry about that, we have addressed this bug and now it looks like those projects load quickly. Please re-open this issue if you are still experiencing problems.

oh stellar, yea super-quick now! thanks all :)