
Mac OS testcbsdk: "Instrument is offline". Win10 on same switch works.

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I had to increase the memory allocation beyond that described in the wiki hack testcbsdk.cpp as indicated in #7

Now, when I run testcbsdk, I get the following output:

Initializing Cerebus real-time interface (protocol cb3.09)...
Instrument is offline
testOpen failed (-30)!
Real-time interface already closed
testClose succeeded

I build cbsdk with Qt 4.8.7_2 from homebrew.

This computer can ping the NSP no problem.

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.327 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.324 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.222 ms

Another Windows 10 computer on the same switch can run testcbsdk without any issues. I built that testcbsdk using the exact same source as the Mac (same cmake build system, but for VC 2008, Qt 4.8.1).

(Note that my NSP is 3.10/6.0.5, but I have not yet modified cbhwlib.h; this does not seem to present a problem for testcbsdk on Windows at least)

Here's the output in Windows:

Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
Initializing Cerebus real-time interface (protocol cb3.09)...
Udp real-time interface to NSP ( successfully initialized
testOpen succeeded
Interface closed successfully
testClose succeeded

I used the settings on the BRM KB cbmex-on-osx with greater success. The other difference was that the default ports seemed to work fine in Windows but not in Mac. I had to make them explicit. The below settings worked for me.

    cbSdkConnection con;
    con.nRecBufSize = (4096*1536);  // From BRM KB cbmex-on-osx
    con.nInPort = cbNET_UDP_PORT_BCAST;  // Client Port [51002]
    con.nOutPort = cbNET_UDP_PORT_CNT;  // Instrument Port [51001]
    con.szInIP = "";  // Client IP [""] 
    con.szOutIP = cbNET_UDP_ADDR_CNT; // Instrument IP [""]. ""
    res = cbSdkOpen(INST, conType, con);