
Windows build

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Is it possible to build this driver for Windows, so I don't need to run Vive Console and it's secondary compositor? Make VP2 more SteamVR native? It could free up to 2 gigabytes of VRAM which Vive Consoles secondary compositor is using.

It is possible, in the past I was building this driver for windows just to exclude linux-specific variables, and then I always used cross-platform libs to do everything... But I haven't tested windows support in a long time, and not sure if it still works.

+1 to this, it would help my debugging on Linux (I'm having issues I think related to vsync_to_photon latency), as it would let me isolate driver issues from Linux SteamVR issues, and would also make Windows use better.

It is possible, in the past I was building this driver for windows just to exclude linux-specific variables, and then I always used cross-platform libs to do everything... But I haven't tested windows support in a long time, and not sure if it still works.

I would love to try the windows build, if you could compile and share it.

I did get as far as compiling for Windows, and copying things over to the right places, then patching the Windows binary from Linux, but the patch fails, I guess because it's obviously a different binary for Windows, so the stuff that needs patching is elsewhere

SteamVR proxy driver for Vive Pro 2
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SteamVR at /home/user/VivePro2-Linux-Driver/SteamVR
Found both original driver, and old original driver, seems like SteamVR was updated
= Moving updated original driver
= Patching real driver
# Driver requirement check
source pattern not found, file is already patched?
# Error message clarification
one or more rules failed
= Overriding current driver
= Updating proxy server
Installation finished, try to start SteamVR

(obviously, launching it doesn't work)

Upload original windows driver binary somewhere, I'll make a patch for it.

They don't let me attach .dll files directly, but github issues allow zips to be attached.

Where on Linux, there's just a linux64 folder, on Windows, there's win32 and win64, both with driver_lighthouse.dll files. I presume only win64 is used, but maybe win32 is needed somewhere too since I doubt they're actually building SteamVR for use with 32-bit CPUs, so maybe there's some 32-bit Windows library needed or something?

I'll send both.
win32 - driver_lighthouse.zip
win64 - driver_lighthouse.zip

Yes, win32 version is for x32-bit CPUs and for Steam itself
However, steam will work just fine without patching this driver, I'm not sure why it even uses those drivers in the client.

I don't quite like assembly the compiler generated for this function, the patch may be broken very soon, but this is good enough for now (May somehow make it better if it works for windows right now, and someone wants to use it on windows. I agree that Vive Console and its compositor are awful, they were always somehow broken for me :D)

# Driver requirement check


# Error message clarification


I guess I would need to use sewer on linux to patch the lighthouse.dll and put compiled windows version and patched lighthouse.dll to steamvr distrubution folder?

I don't know where to even start to compile this driver for Windows. @issacdowling could you please share the compiled binaries?

Sewer can be built for windows.

Sadly, headset not detected, which I guess makes sense if it's trying to run lens server using wine, or any other Linux things like that

No, In the last version it will continue to work even if lens-server can't be launched. Look at the logs, It probably means it really can't find the HMD.

Sat Jan 20 2024 13:28:27.822 [Info] - Unable to load driver lighthouse from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\lighthouse\bin\win64\driver_lighthouse.dll (193)
Sat Jan 20 2024 13:28:27.822 [Error] - ASSERT: "DriverManager lighthouse load error 193u" at c:\buildslave\steamvr_rel_win64\build\src\common\vrcommon\drivermanager.cpp:439.
Sat Jan 20 2024 13:28:27.980 [Error] - Unable to load driver lighthouse because of error VRInitError_Init_FileNotFound(103). Skipping.

This only happens with the patched driver. Maybe I'm missing some dependencies for running? I did build it on Linux for windows, rather than building from Windows

Did you build it using mingw?
Then it will want windows build of pthread/possibly other things.

Better build it on windows using msvc, it shouldn't be hard with Rust.