In addition, you will have to add the following sections in the readme file: Comparison of the original design (Wireframe) with the final result of the project Comparison of the use case diagram with the actions that the user can finally perform Comparison of the original use case diagram with the final user actions How you have organized and distributed the tasks

#html #css #js #php #master-in-software-development

PHP Local FileSystem explorer


In this project you will have to create a system file explorer that allows the user to navigate, create directories and upload files in the same way as he would in his usual operating system.

The file explorer is a tool that allows you to directly view and manipulate the files and directories associated with a path, so you must take into account from which path the user starts and which path they can access.



  • You cannot use file third-party libraries
  • You will not be able to use global variables in PHP.
  • You must use GIT
  • You must use the PHP > v8
  • Create a clear and orderly directory structure
  • Both the code and the comments must be written in English
  • Use the camelCase code style to define variables and functions
  • In the case of using HTML, never use inline styles
  • In the case of using different programming languages ​​always define the implementation in separate terms
  • Remember that it is important to divide the tasks into several sub-tasks so that in this way you can associate each particular step of the construction with a specific commit
  • You should try as much as possible that the commits and the planned tasks are the same Delete files that are not used or are not necessary to evaluate the project


First of all you must fork this project into your GitHub account.

To create a fork on GitHub is as easy as clicking the “fork” button on the repository page.

Fork on GitHub

Technologies used



* JS

