

Primary LanguageC++

Idash2021 - track2

Team: LLHE

We are a team from Wuhan University of technology, Wuhan, China.This project is mainly to solve the idash2021 competition - Track II: Homomorphic Encryption-based Secure Viral Strain Classification

Measured time (using 2000 validation datasets)

model\process Preprocess [s] Inference [s]
version1 14 0.172
version2 100 8.2

Achieved Accuracy (using 2000 validation datasets)

model Accuracy plaintext&ciphtext
version1 98.6 & 98.55
version2 99.5 & 99.05

How To Use It

put the hold-out dataset into the file folder.

docker build -t idash .

docker run -it idash /bin/bash

python3.8 preat.py #Get the test.txt file

g++ idash2021.cpp -p -main -ltfhe-spqlios-fma





A strain containing 29000 base pairs is transformed into a 7500 dimensional vector as the input of the neural network.

B.1.427_5729�AGATCTGTTCTCTAAACGAACTTTAAAATCTGTGTGGCT.... (AAAA->1,AAAC->2,…,TTTT->256,other->0, If the dimension is less than 7500, supplement -1)

so,around(29000)x2000 --> 7500x2000

version2: If we are allowed to do excessive operations on preprocessing,we can also make statistics on the 7500 dimensional data obtained.

B.1.427_5729�AGATCTGTTCTCTAAACGAACTTTAAAATCTGTGTGGCT.... (AAAA->0,AAAC->1,…,TTTT->255,count the frequency of each gene string,each strain generated a 256 dimensional data)

around(29000)x2000 --> 256x2000


DNN model

On the ciphertext side, we use packaging technology,which greatly reduces the consumption of time.


If you choose to run our program on a physical machine,please install the tfhe library according to the following link and install python>=3.8.0. https://tfhe.github.io/tfhe/coding.html