需要电脑高手来修一下CI Build, 我每次提交代码触发 Github Action 都 Build 不过
Opened this issue · 1 comments
LoxiaLiSA commented
Acknowledgements / 确认事项
- I have updated to the latest version of the app / 已经更新到最新版
- I have tried the FAQ / 试过FAQ了. FAQ
- I have searched the existing issues and this is new ticket NOT a duplicate or related to another issue / 搜索过其他issue,确实不是重复问题
- I will fill out the title and the information in this template / 填好标题和内容
Shaft app version
Android system version
Device model
Network information (if necessary) / 如果需要(无法看图之类),请提交网络信息
- Can directly access to pixiv website / 可直接访问网页版pixiv
- Use proxy / 使用了代理
- Settings-Direct open enabled / 开启直连
- Settings-Use pixivcat enabled / 开启使用pixivcat代理
Steps to reproduce / 复现步骤
push 一个 commit
Expected behavior / 期望行为
自动触发CI Build,build 成功
Actual behavior / 实际行为
build 失败了
Other details / 其它细节
SOCK-MAGIC commented