
Typescript integration

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Would the maintainer(s) of thid repo be open to creating and maintaining the type definitions for seamless integration in typescript?

Feel free to fork and create TS interface for this

FWIW, I've found it not to be worth the effort to keep a repo's typings updated - putting them on DefinitelyTyped tends to be more seamless.

If anyone needs, here are the typings for v1.2.3

declare module 'react-dotdotdot' {
  import * as React from 'react';

  export interface DotdotdotProps {
    children?: React.ReactNode,
    clamp: string | number | boolean,
    truncationChar?: string,
    useNativeClamp?: boolean,
    className?: string,
    tagName?: string,

  export default class Dotdotdot extends React.Component<DotdotdotProps> { }

It's a part of 1.2.4