Gitflow workflow
saraivamarco opened this issue · 1 comments
I would like to contribute to this repository, and I believe that others would like to do that as well.
My suggestion is to create a Gitflow workflow, which creates a workflow branching (creates a few more branches like develop) to enable others to contribute without messing arond with the master branch. More details on -
Intallation for MacOs
brew install git-flow
Initialization of the Git workflow
git flow init
Switch to the develop branch
git checkout develop
Do whatever changes you need to do, and perform a push to the repo.
git push -u origin develop
Note: Don't forget to pull any changes before making your own.
You'll notice that all changes are made in the develop branch, but the master will remain untouched (unless you want to merge the changes).
A develop branch has been initialised