
Deploying contract freeze

GaloisField2718 opened this issue · 4 comments


I just downloaded the last version of chainbridge-solidity and trying to follow these steps (Chainbridge live evm bridge #1 deploy contracts on source goerli)[].

But when I'm trying to run :

cb-sol-cli --url $SRC_GATEWAY --privateKey $SRC_PK --gasPrice 10000000000 deploy \
    --bridge --erc20Handler \
    --relayers $SRC_ADDR \
    --relayerThreshold 1\
    --chainId 0 // Or 5

I have the message : Deploying contract.... for a looong time and nothing happen.

I have downloaded every last version of every commands and subcommands.

I am on Debian 11 Bulleyes.

I don't understand what can happen and how to solve this issue because no message are reached.

I use this env variable :


DST_PK="My_pv_key" (the same)

P1sar commented

Hello @GaloisField2718! I assume that the problem might be that lately there were some problems with transactions getting mined on Goerli. Could you please try some other network, like Sepoliam for example?

Hello @P1sar Thank you for your answer.
I just saw infura doesn't support Sepolia, do you know where can I get a RPC Provider on this network ?
I will check if I can get faucet from kovan. In the worst case I will try Mumbai

Okayyy !! Yes on Mumbai testnet it works !
Thank you very much !