
Shell.SU.Run does not return

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am using libsuperuser, by importing the following:

import eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Application;
import eu.chainfire.libsuperuser.Shell;

In the class I got the following method:

    private List<String> suRun(String format, Object... args) {
        String binDir = mAppContext.getFilesDir() + "/bin/";
        String command = binDir + String.format(format, args);

and in another method, I call it as follows:

    List<String> result = suRun("cs close %s", getVolumePath());

the command does run, yet it doesn't seem to return, here's the relevant logcat output:

D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][C][SU%] START
D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][C][SU+] /data/data/me.opsec.darkmatter/files/bin/cs close /extSdCard/volume.dat
D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][O][SU*] failed: No such file or directory
D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][O][SU*] failed: No such file or directory
D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][O][SU*] failed: No such file or directory
D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][O][SU*] failed: No such file or directory
D/libsuperuser( 9783): [libsuperuser][O][SU*] failed: Invalid argument

as far as I understand, I should expect a [SU%] END in the logcat, but I never get it.
it seems to me that process.waitFor() in never returns.

It seems that the problem is caused by the 'cs' script calling 'su --mount-master -c ', when I commented those lines, the Shell.SU.Run does return !

Appending those su lines with < /dev/null fixed it. Thanks