
Table: Tooltip hidden

TotallyInformation opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Framework Version: GitCDN master (as at 2018-11-24)
  • Flavor used: default
  • Operating System/Browser: Windows 10, Chrome
  • Code to reproduce:
                <table id="valveTable">
                            <th>Measured Temperature</th>
                            <th>Percentage Demand</th>
                            <th>Window State</th>
                        <tr m-for="data in valveData">
                            <td data-label="Room"><span aria-label="{{}}">{{}}</span></td>
                            <td data-label="MeasuredTemperature">{{data.MeasuredTemperature==-32768?"NA":data.MeasuredTemperature/10}}</td>
                            <td data-label="PercentageDemand" style="{{data.PercentageDemand==100?'color:red':''}}">{{data.PercentageDemand}}</td>
                            <td data-label="SetPoint">{{data.SetPoint==-200?"NA":data.SetPoint/10}}</td>
                            <td data-label="WindowState">{{data.WindowState}}</td>
  • Screenshots:
  • Bug description:

Tooltip is hidden behind other rows. It should appear over the top of other rows.

  • Additional information (Optional):

Using with the Moon.JS front-end framework.

Might have to do with the z-index attribute. If you could provide me with a JSFiddle or a Codepen, I might be able to code a solution.

Sorry, I couldn't wait and I'm no longer using mini.css