
Tooltips get cutoff when used in horizontal table

ErikSchierboom opened this issue · 5 comments

Reproduce by hovering over the "Text #1.1", "Text #1.2", or "Text #2.1" texts inside the table.

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  • Bug description:

When using tooltips in a horizontal table, the tooltips are cutoff on the border of the table. I'd like for the tooltips to be displayed in their entirety.

Same issue here. I also tried to experiment with different z-index but hat no success.
Any update on this issue?

I checked out Firefox/Windows 10 and does not happen, maybe it's a Chrome quirk?

I am facing the issues on Windwos10 with Firefox.

True, I am able to reproduce it also maybe I did something wrong the last day :/

After some testing, I've found out that the problem has to do with relative-absolute positioning that is being used with tooltip, as this stack overflow answer points out:

The problem is that changing this would introduce breaking changes, as a new element must be introduced, sadly.

If we were talking inside a framework context such as React, the library consumers would not notice it, but as is a css pure framework, the implications are... well rather complicated.

We should look for solving this anyway.