
Refactor index.html for Font Optimization and SEO Enhancements

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This issue proposes a refactor of the index.html file to optimize font loading, improve performance, and enhance SEO. The following changes are suggested:

Font Optimization:
Reduce the number of external fonts being loaded to only the necessary ones (e.g., Kanit and Montserrat Alternates).
Ensure fonts are loaded asynchronously for better page load performance.

SEO Enhancements:
Add meta tags for better SEO (description, keywords, and author tags).
Include Open Graph tags to improve social media sharing previews (e.g., title, description, image).

Script Loading:
Use defer for JavaScript files to avoid blocking page rendering and improve loading time.

These changes aim to make the page load faster and rank higher on search engines while improving overall user experience.
