
codes between this one and deeprobust don't match well

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HI, I've downloaded this code and the deeprobust code,they don't match well,I'd like to know which version of source code of deeprobust matches this code.
I'll appreciate if you could help me!

Hi, what do you mean by"does not match this code"?

Just install the latest version of deeprobust and clone this repository; everything should be good.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks.

我直接用中文吧,感觉我英文表达不清楚。是这样,我是想修改deepRobust里面的ProGNN类,然后去做链路预测任务,我从这个仓库和deepRobust这两个仓库clone了代码,但是发现有的接口有点对不上,比如在这个仓库的train里面是调用deepRobust的GCN时train中输入的参数是device,但是deepRobust代码里GCN要求是“cpu”或“cuda”字符串。还有deepRobust里面有些报错,我在想是不是从deepRobust仓库里面clone的代码跟pip 安装的版本不一样呀。


感谢回答 只是想确认版本是否对应,后面的问题就不麻烦你了 感谢 祝你论文大发特发