A practice project to build a online shopping mall. It has the following interface
The architecture of this project is shown below.
1. Start Nacos and Sentinel
2. Start docker (Already set up auto start for: MySQL, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, Zipkin)
3. Start idea
4. Run corresponding service.
Microservice, Registry Center (Nacos), Configuration Center (Nacos), Remote Call, Feign, Gateway Note: Nacos: Dynamic Naming and Configuration Service, similar to Consul/Eureka/Zookeeper.
SpringBoot2.0, SpringCloud, Mybatis-Plus, Vue, Element-UI, AliCloud OSS
Vagrant、Linux、Docker、Mysql、Redis、Reverse Engineer & Renren Open Source
JSR303 Bean Validation, Global Exception Handler, Global Unified Return, Global Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Status Enumeration, Service Status Code, Value Object, Transfer Object, and Plain Object, Logic Delete
List some framework, middleware, tools using in this part.
- Elasticsearch
- Render Engine
- Thymeleaf
- Stress Test
- JMeter
- Performance Listener
- jconsole vs jvisualvm
- Dynamic and static separation
- Nginx
- Cache Middleware
- Redis
- Redisson Lock
- consistency between cache and database a. dual write (Write Back) b. Cache Aside c. Write Through
- Spring Cache
- Asynchronous & ThreadPool
- Socail Login & SSO
- OAuth2.0
- Spring Session
- RabbitMQ
- Cron Task
- Alicloud Sentinel
- Spring Cloud Sleuth & Zipkin
- Interface idempotence
- Third Party function
- Alipay payment
- Alicloud Send Sms (Short Message Service) API
- Weibo Sign In