
Global search for Hedgedoc pads by tags

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HedgeDoc Tag Searcher

"Wasn't there a pad about that?"

This WiP tool is a global search for pads on a HedgeDoc (pre v2) instance.

For a pad to be discoverable, it must explicitly ask to be indexed by providing the plzidx tag (can be configured). Try to encourage users in your organization to provide meaningful tags a and the marker if they want to have their work found by others.

Our use case is to build a hierarchical index akin to https://<url>/tag1/tag2 for past projects. A poor-peoples-wiki so to say. This might not be your use case. Feel free to provide a pull request.

Installation and Usage

It's a flask app. Use gunicorn or comparable tools. You will need to download Bulma and put a css/bulma.min.css in your static path, or customize your CSS and supply a BRAND_BULMA_URL as flask config.

To get a list of available configuration options you can run the flask cli command plzidx-ctrl createconfig

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ flask plzidx-ctrl createconfig | sudo tee /etc/<your webapp path>/config.py
## Example configuration for the hedgedoc-tag-searcher service
## Lines prefixed with one hash-sign (`#`) denote preset default values

## Keep this secret in production systems
SECRET_KEY = "<your random secret here>"

## Name, user, password, and host of the Hedgedoc database
## (only PostgreSQL (psycopg2) supported at the moment)

## Web URL of your pad (will be used to create links)
PAD_URL = "https://pad.example.com"

## SQLAlchemy URI for our own databse
## See https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/core/engines.html for possible values like
## "sqlite:///project.db" or "postgresql+psycopg2://name:pass@host:port/dbname"

## This is the required tag to appear in this tool 
# MARKER_TAG = "plzidx"

## If the MARKER_TAG should be ignored and all pads indexed instead
## (does not override the PAD_PERMISSION_FILTER)

## Only pads with these permissions will be indexed
## Possible tuple entries:
##   'freely', 'editable', 'limited', 'locked', 'protected', 'private'
# PAD_PERMISSION_FILTER = ('freely', 'editable')

## For a customized theme, you can override the default CSS path
## If None, please install a current Bulma as static/css/bulma.min.css
# BRAND_BULMA_URL = {default_config["BRAND_BULMA_URL"]}

To rebuild an index you can use a cronjob/systemd-timer periodically calling:

$ flask plzidx-ctrl update


Too many to count, but notable ones are:

  • At the moment, plzidx-ctrl update rebuilds the entire index (expensive!). Given enough time we will eventually only do so on updated pads, or provide a PostgreSQL Hook. But hopefully this project will render itself superfluous, as soon as HedgeDoc 2 with its Explore feature gets released.
  • Likewise, our tool needs read-access to the Hedgedoc database and expects a HedgeDoc pre-2 version. This will break, but again, then we hope this project is superfluous.
  • Using shortids is also deprecated.