
License and attribution

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey Charca,

I cloned this project (using pnpm create astro@latest --template Charca/astro-blog-template), and I want to make sure I get everything right:

  1. Should the copyright & license (in the LICENSE file) be the same as the one of this project?
    • "substantial portions" probably includes all usages, as most of the code would be the template (with a little bit of content by the specific user).
    • I might make my website opensource, which means everyone will technically have the right to copy my content as their own.
    • The "copyright" on my content will actually be yours (with your name).
  2. Do you expect the "Powered by Astro. Template by Maxi Ferreira." at the bottom?

(I'm not a lawyer, so I may misunderstand some basics)
