
PHP ReST API used to receive skate session speeds from an Arduino Device

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP ReST API used to receive skate session data from an Arduino Device and to supply/receive information from the React Native App.

How To Set Up

  • Before you continue, you should have followed the steps to setting up the MySQL Database
  • Create an email address for your site
  • Change the values listed below under To Use for the receive_speeds.php file
  • Place these files on a remote web server

To Use


  • Change {{SERVER_NAME}} to the Server Name
  • Change {{USER_NAME}} to the MySQL User Name
  • Change {{PASSWORD}} to the MySQL User Password
  • Change {{DB_NAME}} to the MySQL Database Name


  • Change {{BASE_URL}} to the URL of the skate_sessions.php web page
  • Change {{SENDER_EMAIL}} to the email address used to send the email to the user
  • Change {{API_KEY}} to the required API key

How It Works

  • The Arduino Device calls up a Shell Script (found here: Shell Script Repo)

  • JSON data is received in api/receive_speeds.php

  • The data recevied must have:

    • API Key (Must match stored API Key)
    • Device Credentials (Name & Pass)
    • Speed Logs
    • Total Distance
  • The device name and password is checked to see if it matches a registered / approved device stored in the database

  • The user email & device_id corresponding to the registered / approved device is retrieved from the database

  • Start time & end time is calculated

  • Total distance, start time and end time are stored in skate_sessions MySQL table and sessionID is generated

  • Speeds logs are stored in skate_speeds MySQL table

  • Response data is calculated:

    • Total skate time
    • Average speed
    • Highest speed
  • An Email is sent to the user containing:

    • Alert for new skate data
    • Session ID
    • Total skate time
    • Total distance
    • Average speed
    • Highest speed
    • A link to view more in-depth info on the skate session
  • Response is returned to Shell Script (on Arduino)

  • The React Native App uses:

    • api/login.php
    • api/get_sessions.php
    • api/get_speeds.php

Screenshot of the email sent to the user

Email Image