
Writify bug

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe bug

when i add a note to a song the only way to view the note is by right clicking and clicking add note. it doesn't show up next to the song

Steps to replicate

add writify to spicetify. right click on a song in a playlist. note does not appear.

Necessary screenshots

Spicetify and Spotify Version


please email me at if you need more info.

Yeah I still need to fix that but I haven't really been coding much over the summer

Yeah I still need to fix that but I haven't really been coding much over the summer

there's no rush it's just this is a thing i've wanted in spotify for a long while and was bummed that it was bugged

Yup, sorry about that. Issues is that when I coded this extension I coded it to work with one specific theme (Comfy's) grid layout and it didn't work for any other themes

Yup, sorry about that. Issues is that when I coded this extension I coded it to work with one specific theme (Comfy's) grid layout and it didn't work for any other themes

are you planning on patching this soon?

Yup, sorry about that. Issues is that when I coded this extension I coded it to work with one specific theme (Comfy's) grid layout and it didn't work for any other themes

I installed Writify and downloaded that theme but the notes column was not showing. I then edited the adress to the globals.d.ts file inside writify.js since it was looking for it in the Roaming/spicetify-cli but mine was in Local/spicetify. I also uncommented the TODO part from line 25 and got the notes column to show up but empty, without any notes. My notes do get saved but not displayed in the column. Is there something I can do to get it to work for the Comfy theme again?