
Post-Crash Issues Lookup

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What is the Task

Develop a dashboard that shows all of the following for the crash site, nearest roadway blocks and/or entire street where the crash occurred. Data available include:

  • Existence of traffic calming infrastructure
  • Past crashes, including fatalities and bike/ped injuries, unreported crashes
  • Speeds: 85th percentile speed, number/percent of vehicles traveling at 10-19 mph over, 20+ over
  • Other fields?

Why do we want to do this

After a crash occurs there is a buzz about traffic safety that we can tap into. Showing that the crash was an accident waiting to happen ... then happened creates a compelling thread for the narrative.

How can I get started?

Download sample data, load into data viz platform of choice, start making maps, tables, plots of data described above.

Definition of Done

Functional dashboard where one can look up or scroll through past crashes and get a fact-sheet of traffic safety data to support arguments that this crash should have been avoidable.