Add/Update Automated Camera Table
Aisling-C opened this issue · 2 comments
What is the Task
Write scripts that analyze the moving violation data to determine cameras that are not in the DDOT list (more rows), and start/stop dates of enforcement (more columns). Denote if a camera record is from DDOT or inferred.
Move automated camera table from dev to prod.
Why do we want to do this
DDOT publishes and regularly updates a list of automated camera locations in DC
This list contains geography info and the type of camera, but doesn't say when the camera was installed. When the list is updated,
any historic cameras are removed entirely.
We want a record of all the automated cameras in DC and when they were installed to gain better insight from the moving violation and crash data.
How can I get started?
ETL Scripts - Aisling to Take Care
Definition of Done
When there is an automated camera table with analysis data in the prod database
Aisling to take care - can't assign to myself for some reason!
Thanks @banjtheman 😅