Given an address, determine most unsafe time
Closed this issue · 3 comments
What is the Task
Given an address return the time period which the most incidents
Why do we want to do this
Step 3 in the TSA is "Days and time when safety concerns are the worst:"
(Such as weekday AM peak, weekday PM peak, overnight, weekends, etc.)
How can I get started?
Would start by evaluating the crash datasets, and see if you can pull out the time and day of most incidents given an address
Here is a subset in the repo
Definition of Done
A function that can take an address as input and return a what day, and time has the most incidents
For those interested will fill out the code in this file
Questions to bring up in next meeting
- What threshold should we use to determine if a crash is close enough (currently using .2)
- Is one year good enough to collect data on?
- Are we okay with the text generated?