
IndexAxisValueFormatter behaves not as expected

appleManic opened this issue · 0 comments

These are my coordinates to draw the scatter plot

[{ "y": 83.0, "x": 0.0 },
{ "y": 73.0, "x": 15.0 },
{ "y": 63.0, "x": 30.0 }.....]

my x axis is incrementing with 15 points. 0,15,30,45,50...

If I do not use IndexAxisValueFormatter, it draws


Where as If I use IndexAxisValueFormatter with the values [0,15,30...]. It draws xAxis wrongly

I'm using following chart properties. My chart is scrollable

chartView.dragEnabled = true
chartView.scaleXEnabled = false
chartView.pinchZoomEnabled = false

//X axis
let xAxis = chartView.xAxis
xAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
xAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = true
xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom

xAxis.granularity = 15

I'm suppose to change this 15, 30, 45 to Date format "hh:mm a" based on the first timestamp. I guess if the IndexAxisValueFormatter draws it correctly, date formatted string will also be correct. Please let me know what went wrong

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