
Random crashes when Charts is being used in our app ($s6Charts16BarChartRenderer)

kierobinson1 opened this issue · 2 comments

What did you do?

Nothing, after using the library in our app, we're getting lots of seemingly random crashes as users are using our app.

What did you expect to happen?

The library to not crash our app

What happened instead?

We're getting lots of crash reports with this message: $$s6Charts16BarChartRendererC13prepareBuffer33_B1DA9F8F94F55CD815106107021BB63DLL7dataSet5indexyAA0bc4DataO8Protocol_p_SitF

It's happening across many different iOS devices and iOS versions, and seemingly at random.

DGCharts Environment

DGCharts version: 4.1.0
Xcode version: 15.0.1
Swift version: 5
Platform(s) running DGCharts: iOS and iPadOS
macOS version running Xcode: Sanoma 14.2

Here's a screenshot of the crash when opened via the organizer in Xcode. However, it's not showing us any of the variables in the debug panel.

image (5)