
Instal fails when installing with PHP 7.0 active

ntwb opened this issue · 0 comments

ntwb commented

==> default: Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[php5-fpm] is already declared in file /vagrant/extensions/xdebug/modules/xdebug/manifests/init.pp:41; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/puppet/modules/chassis/manifests/php.pp:106 on node vagrant.local

    package { 'php5-fpm':
        ensure => absent

Being new to Puppet and what not, I presume the above expects the php5-fpm package to have been removed when switching to 7.0.

Here's a view from inside my VM:

vagrant@vagrant:/$ ls etc/php
5.5  5.6  7.0  7.1

vagrant@vagrant:/$ ls etc/php/5.6
cli  fpm  mods-available

vagrant@vagrant:/$ ls etc/php/5.6/fpm
conf.d  php-fpm.conf  php.ini  pool.d