
Implement User Profile Screen

iadeelzafar opened this issue · 11 comments

Implement user profile screen. Use the user profile screen design from the designs folder as a reference.

I would like to work on this one.

Here's the design of User Profile Screen. Please go ahead and make a PR once you've implemented this.

@killbotXD Feel free to ask any questions if you have.

Is that a FAB on that edit text?

@killbotXD No this is a simple button at the top right corner of the edittext

@killbotXD If you're working on this, let me know so that I can assign this to you.

yes I am working on this.

@iadeelzafar almost done I just wanted to know if i have to add the top bar also or let it be the default one?

This ticket is up for grabs.

hey @iadeelzafar , may I work on this screen?

Sure. Please go ahead.