[Bug]问下修改什么环境能够默认关闭midjourney图像代理,我默认开启会报如下错误: {"error":true,"msg":"empty access code"}
Closed this issue · 3 comments
KasuganoLove commented
Describe the bug
{"error":true,"msg":"empty access code"}
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- Docker
- Vercel
- Server
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Smartphone (please complete the following information):
- Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
- OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
- Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Additional Logs
Add any logs about the problem here.
Licoy commented
当你身处可以直接访问 cdn.discordapp.com的环境
KasuganoLove commented
当你身处可以直接访问 cdn.discordapp.com的环境
Licoy commented