
Twitch Profile support

pajlada opened this issue ยท 9 comments

What service do you want support added for?

Add support for profile links




Profile image
Live status?

Additional information

I've marked this as a good first issue - if you want to start working on this please let me know and I will assign you to this issue so we don't get duplicate work done.

Happy to pick up after #157 is closed

helix package doesn't have the created_at field exported for users. Created a PR to add it.

This one is open for grabs if anyone wants to check this out, happy to help guide anyone looking to make their first contribution

@pajlada I would like to make my first contribution. I'll appreciate your guidance.

This should be part of the internal/resolvers/twitch package
You have to extend the TwitchAPIClient defined in its initialize.go file to support this function
You need to define an additional resolver (see its Clip Resolver) that matches Twitch profile URLs, that then call the above-mentioned function to get information about the user
I'm not sure exactly what information would be nice to show, or in what format. I'd be happy to let you experiment with that and see what you think works best, and then we can iterate on that together.

Let me know if that helps or if there's any further guidance that would be useful @silaselisha

@pajlada I'll experiment with this, for any query I'll let you know.

I would like to build a resolver for twitch users, feel free to assign the issue to me.