
Dynamically loading multiple components while adding stories

arunstan opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there a way to add the components dynamically rather than manually importing one each ? I am looking to create a single story for all the components

For eg rather than having

import Button from '/components/Button/'
import Link from '/components/Link/'
import Panel from '/components/Panel/'
import Header from '/components/Header/'
import Footer from '/components/Footer/'

storiesOf('Addon Chapters')
 'All Stories', {
  subtitle: 'All Organisms',
  chapters: [
      sections: [
          sectionFn: () => (<Button  />)
          sectionFn: () => (<Link  />)
          sectionFn: () => (<Panel  />)
          sectionFn: () => (<Header />)
          sectionFn: () => (<Footer />)
        // .. and so on

so that something like below could be written

const getSections = (comps) => => { sectionFn: () => (<Comp />) })

storiesOf('Addon Chapters')
 'All Stories', {
  subtitle: 'All Organisms',
  chapters: [
      sections: getSections(dynamicallyLoadedComponents)

Is it possible to dynamically import all components in sub directories and set it to dynamicallyLoadedComponents ?

Storybook v6 supports something like this using the Args feature.