
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


@ author Yifan Chen

channelB (*-B.tif)

In tiff format, 3 channel RGB format (W1920 × H1440 RGB). (I have manually adjusted the Brightness/Contrast)

To read into single channel grayscale image in python, please use


The blue channel images are the DNA after fluorescence staining. So it marks the region of the nuclear.

channelG (*-G.tif)

In tiff format, 3 channel RGB format (W1920 × H1440 RGB). (I have manually adjusted the Brightness/Contrast)

To read into single channel grayscale image in python, please use


The green channel images are the tubulin structure after fluorescence staining. We need to use the tubulin (in green channel) to identify our cell-of-interest. To identify cells during mitosis, only using the green tubulin (there is a structure we call it midbody) can we tell that the daughter cells came from the same mother.

2channel_image (*.npy)

Stacking the B and G channel images together, as a numpy array in .npy format (1440 x 1920 x 2 array).

It is formed by

2channelImg = np.stack((imgB,imgG),axis=-1)

3channel_image (*-RGB.png)

Merge the Blue and Green channels together as a single RGB image using FIJI-ImageJ (a software, download here https://imagej.net/Fiji).

label (*-label.png)

Are binary images with 1 indicating the nuclei in mitosis and 0 indicating background.

Preprocess from ROI The original labels are in the form of ROI.zip, which are annotations done by lab students and can be open using Fiji. To generate a binary label image, you need to create a boundary annotated image, and use python script to fill the holes by

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes

def assign_nn(arr): 
# input array:  postive elements on boundary 
    annotation = np.ones(arr.shape, dtype='uint8')
    background = np.where((255-arr)>arr)
    annotation[background] = 0
    return binary_fill_holes(annotation).astype(np.uint8)