
Error with "name_list" and "length_list" in datasets

alsokh opened this issue · 7 comments

alsokh commented

Congrats on your great paper!

I am running the "python --cfg ./configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml --cfg_assets ./configs/assets.yaml --example ./demo/example.txt" to get demo results on my colab.
First of all, data should be manually downloaded from HumanML3D, because I got the error, stated that Mean.npy and Std.npy doesn't exist. After struggling with that and resolving it with hard code now I got the following error:

!python --cfg ./configs/config_mld_humanml3d.yaml --cfg_assets ./configs/assets.yaml --example ./demo/example.txt

2023-09-08 07:55:01.073355: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
Length-50: a man kicks with something or someone with his left leg.
Length-100: A person is skipping rope.
Length-100: a person walks backward slowly.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/content/", line 337, in
File "/content/", line 101, in main
dataset = get_datasets(cfg, logger=logger, phase="test")[0]
File "/content/mld/data/", line 92, in get_datasets
dataset = dataset_module_map[dataset_name.lower()](
File "/content/mld/data/", line 36, in init
self.sample_set = self.get_sample_set(overrides=sample_overrides)
File "/content/mld/data/", line 37, in get_sample_set
return self.Dataset(split_file=split_file, **sample_params)
File "/content/mld/data/humanml/data/", line 357, in init
name_list, length_list = zip(
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)

Also, when I manually ignore this part, I get an error stating that motion is called before being assigned.

Thank you in advance for your advice.

jercas commented

hi! I have also encountered the same problem. Have you solved this problem?

Should be solved by unzipping in ./datasets/humanml3d

Should be solved by unzipping in ./datasets/humanml3d

still does not work, this error also exists

still does not work, this error also exists

Can you share how it is structured your folder?

still does not work, this error also exists

Can you share how it is structured your folder?

I have solved it, thks!

I still have the problem after I unzipped in ./datasets/humanml3d, however I still face the problem, could you please tell me how did you solve the problem? Thank you!