
Web Handwriting Recognition API

wacky6 opened this issue · 3 comments


We (Chrome and Chrome OS) are working on a standardized Web API for handwriting recognition. The proposal is here: explainer.

The API would allow websites to access handwriting recognizers that's locally available on device (instead of sending the requests to cloud servers). It's currently implemented on Chrome OS (backed by the same technology used in IMEs).

Does the API interest you?

We'd also like to hear your feedback and make it easier to integrate with your library.

An article describing the API for developers is available here:

Hi @wacky6 @tomayac,

Thanks for reaching out. It indeed interests me. The proposal already covers more than I can think of, e.g., the privacy concerns and the Segmentation Result.
It seems that for handwriting.js, it's relatively straightforward to migrate to this, and it certainly will add value to the users.

That's great news. Feel free to post here if you run into implementation issues. Thanks for giving the API a try!