Project Structure

There are two parts in this project. The front end and the back end. Both are located in the root of this project. Demostration Video of Website is the presentation and description of the website, the structure of the front and back ends will be explained in the section after this document.

User Manual

In this section, a tutorial on the use of this website and the basic setup of this project will be presented. The tutorial is also Online.

Project Setup

First, we will give a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up the project. The project is divided into two parts, the front end and the back end, both of which require a good environment to run successfully.

Front-end Set up


In a front-end project, the files we care about are in the src folder, where views stores the page files, the components they use are stored in the components folder, and App.vue is the entry file for the project, which navigates the user to the different The settings for the routes are in router. main.js is the project's configuration file, which includes the project's package configuration and some other basic configuration (e.g. pom.xml in Maven projects). Finally, assets holds the static resources used by the front end.


Firstly, the front-end is a project based on the Vue framework, so you need to first download the Vue-related support, either via the npm package or the yarn package, with the following code:

npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli

Afterwards, you can verify that the download has been successful by using the code below.

vue --version

If the application does not report any errors, then congratulations, you have successfully downloaded the Vue framework. Next, you need to open the following paths in order and in this path open the command line tool and enter the following command:

\20216479\Front-end\gen-gpt-x> npm run-script build

Next, you will need to wait a while. After DONE has been returned, the system has been successfully built. Next, simply enter the following command and the front end will run smoothly:

\20216479\Front-end\gen-gpt-x> npm run serve

If there are no errors, the return will be as follows, meaning the front end has successfully run on the given port (usually at localhost:8080)

      App running at:
  - Local:   http://localhost:8080/
  - Network:

Go to the link and the website will be displayed as follows


Back-end Setup


In the back-end, the folder we need to focus on is the src folder, where in main we do the development and in test we do the testing. In main, the packages related to handling front and back-end interaction data are controller, entity and service. SeverApplication is the starting file for the project. gengptx contains the logic related to generating GPTs using GenGPT-X, while gengpt contains the logic for generating GPTs from the original GenGPT.


In the back-end build, we rely on an IDEA called Intellij. Therefore, if you don't have this IDEA locally, you need to go to the official website and download it. After a successful download, we click on open to open a project, where we select open "Back-end", after successfully opening it click on the hammer shape in the top right corner to build the project, after that, we find the following file and click on the green triangle symbol on the left to run it:


Once successfully run, you will see the following shape and display "Started SeverApplication in xxx seconds (JVM running for 6.204)".

    .   ____           
   /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ 
  ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` |
   \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |
    '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
   :: Spring Boot ::                     

Website Tutorial

Now, it's time to use the features brought by the GenGPT-X.

In this section, we will show how to use this website. There is also the option of watching a video presentation via Youtube. Firstly, the user can choose from three ways of generating GPTs, as follows:


The GPT can be generated by selecting an actual example or by choosing to use GenGPT or GenGPT-X, respectively. The user is asked to enter the relevant parameters when choosing to generate the GPT using the generator, as shown below (Figure \ref{para-set}).

Set Parameters

User can view the information of the parameter


Click on Generate and the page will display the entire generated GPT.


Users can fold some nodes that they do not want to learn.fold
To gain a better experience, user can also use a full screen to view the whole tree.


When the user hovers over a node, the information of this node will be shown.


Users can click icons "+" or "-" to control the size of the GPT.


Related information is also provided, for example, the parameters that we have set for this


If the user is confused about the type of the node etc. Users can hover over the information icon.


The XML and JSON versions can also be
Users can generate more than one GPT and the GPTs can be switched by following icons:


In addition, two real-life examples are provided for users to choose from.

