
How to parse NEL (Network Error Logging) errors reported through Report-To header endpoint?

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Hi @Cherry I know this is not place to ask questions. Feel free to close.
But since not a lot NEL and Report-To export. Just wonder do you know the answer of this that I posted on Stack Overflow?

How to parse NEL (Network Error Logging) errors reported through Report-To header endpoint?

Thanks a lot!

Honestly this isn't something I'm that familiar with on the server end. I use for all of our actual error tracking.

As per the spec, this looks to be application/reports+json, yes. I'd expect something like bodyParser.json({ type: 'application/reports+json' }); to work. As for triggering an error, something like fetch('https://fakedomain') should trigger a quick dns.name_not_resolved or similar DNS error.

Thanks for the help, @Cherry !

I tried to trigger a dns.name_not_resolved or similar DNS error locally but still no luck. I posted more details at

I will keep update there for what I found from other places too.

Finally made it work! I posted the solution in the Stack Overflow question. Thanks @Cherry !