
how to select iphone

Opened this issue · 4 comments

i bought fingerprint key from bablosoft, but when i using this tags it's error, how to do that ?

const fingerprint = await plugin.fetch(mykey, {
tags: ['iPhone', 'Safari'],

Fingerprint error : Fingerprint with tags iPhone,Safari not found 0.

I can't reproduce the issue, do you have more filters?

there is no filter,
when i used : tags: ['Mobile', 'Chrome'] it's running well,
but when i'm using another tags like ['iPhone', 'Safari'] it's show the error.
i also try tags: ['Mobile, iPhone', 'Safari'] or ['iPhone', 'Chrome'] it's also error.
any suggest to use tags for iphone ?

i'm just using your sample code,

`const { plugin } = require('puppeteer-with-fingerprints');
const fpsKey = "myApiKey";

(async () => {
// Get a fingerprint from the server:

// tags: ['Microsoft Windows', 'Chrome'], // Running well

const fingerprint = await plugin.fetch(fpsKey, {
tags: ['iPhone', 'Chrome'],

// Apply fingerprint:

// Launch the browser instance:
const browser = await plugin.launch({headless:false});

// The rest of the code is the same as for a standard puppeteer library:
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');

// Print the browser viewport size:
await page.evaluate(() => ({
deviceScaleFactor: window.devicePixelRatio,
width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
height: document.documentElement.clientHeight,

await page.waitForTimeout(20500);
await browser.close();

Error Code :

I can't reproduce the issue, do you have more filters?

how to solve this problem, sir ?