
Wrapper for python tweetstream library; handles connection failures, makes it easier to put tweets in mongo / redis / etc. Definitely under construction.

Primary LanguagePython

Get all the Chicago tweetz and put them in a mongodb

Python 2.7+

run virtualenv command on directory (first time only)
source bin/activate
run pip install -r requirements.txt
rename "twitter_user_info_rename.py" to "twitter_user_info.py"

set twitter_user_info.py values for your environment:

username = twitter basic auth username
password = twiter basic auth password
mongo_server = mongo server host id or ip
mongo_port = port for mongo_server
mongo_user = user id for mongo_server
mongo_password = password for mongo_user
locations = list of bounding box lon,lat pairs (see explanation below)
tag = custom, static tag that will be saved in each tweet document in mongo

example twitter_user_info file:

user_info = {'username': 'joe', 
             'password': 'secretofjoe',
             'mongo_server': '',
             'mongo_port': 27017,
             'mongo_user': 'mongou',
             'mongo_password': 's3cr3t',
             'locations': ["-87.96,41.644", "-87.40,42.04"],
             'tag': "Chicago"}

some words about locations setting:

locations should be entered as per the twitter bounding box guidelines: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/streaming-api/methods#locations 
In the example above, a single bounding box is defined in the Chicago area with the lower left point of the
box defined as "-87.96,41.644" and the upper right defined as "-87.40,42.04". To enter additional boxes,
simply add lowerleft and upperright pairs to the list. For example:

'locations': ["-122.75,36.8","-121.75,37.8","-74,40","-73,41"]

defines bounding boxes over San Francisco, CA and New York, NY.

python geobounded_chi_tweets.py