Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Nitro the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE.
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Subscription-level directive with argument results in internal server error
#7702 opened by fabianoliver - 0
Add Operation Exists Validation Rule
#7557 opened by michaelstaib - 1
UsePaging does not work with ImmutableArray struct
#7628 opened by cmeeren - 2
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Nested Filtering using basic Middleware
#7651 opened by kwstnr - 2
Unused optional filter input adds weirdly high cost
#7658 opened by Healios - 4
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[SchemaChangeTest] BuildSchemaAsync Fails if a Resolver in Query class has Service as an parameter
#7694 opened by cabillin - 1
Missing Nitro MIT License
#7701 opened by uwe-schmitz - 9
No option to disable Cost Analyzer
#7679 opened by johan-lindqvist - 0
ScopedDataContext is lost when querying `nodes` for global object identification
#7672 opened by ChauThan - 2
Include net9.0 tools in StrawberryShake package
#7659 opened by idaMa84 - 0
Tests containing escaped new lines (\n) fail on Windows
#7682 opened by CronKz - 1
Settings file 'DotnetToolSettings.xml' was not found in the package. Hotchocolate.fusion.commandline for version 14.0.0
#7650 opened by Christine-Schneidenwind - 3
Docs Error Builder page not listed in sidebar
#7626 opened by shravan2x - 2
No way to add reference resolver to interface
#7699 opened by rdb00 - 0
Fusion Query Planner produces excessive selections for subgraph request
#7687 opened by tobias-tengler - 0
Utf8GraphQLRequestParser.Parse improve error message if OperationName is empty
#7664 opened by mrange - 1
The policy name in the AuthorizeAttribute is not being passed to the GetPolicyAsync method of IAuthorizationPolicyProvider.
#7704 opened by wateryehxx - 2
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Simplify HotChocolate Subscription api implementation supporting IAsyncEnumerable<T>
#7692 opened by tretyakov-d - 1
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Fusion composition issue: The name `cost` was already registered by another type. (HotChocolate.Types.DirectiveType)
#7618 opened by wouth - 0
Incorrect @cost weight for errors field in mutation conventions for custom payloads
#7660 opened by N-Olbert - 0
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Fusion Query Planner fails with list of union
#7686 opened by tobias-tengler - 1
Add support for <inheritdoc> cref
#7656 opened by kuglitsd - 2
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Connection.totalCount returns -1 when it should return 0 using Entity Framework
#7648 opened by willgittoes - 0
Support DateOnly for GraphQL Date scalar
#7680 opened by aidy-jenkins - 0
[ObjectType] attribute generates context.GetGlobalState for [ScopedState] arguments
#7644 opened by onionhammer - 4
Improve description of LocalDate
#7636 opened by cmeeren - 1
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Update v14 docs on entity framework integration
#7624 opened by juantxorena - 0
DataLoader used inside node resolvers do not batch
#7635 opened by tomachristian - 4
FileSystemOperationDocumentStorage fails at SaveInternalAsync when persisting query
#7631 opened by sciocoder - 2
Be able to disable default security when using Azure Functions, like we can with AddGraphQLServer.
#7599 opened by wouth - 1
Make SelectionDataLoaderExtensions.Select more flexible
#7620 opened by faddiv - 0
Make it easier to define REST routes for predefined queries
#7649 opened by alrz - 2
Strawberry Shake generated client code does not include enums that start with an underscore "_"
#7638 opened by dmgm80 - 9
Introspection query returns a bad request
#7569 opened by Pozoal - 2
Cannot use query builder on GitHub API
#7570 opened by Cyberboss - 3
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Required external fields from other subgraphs return as null if it's a custom object type (Non standard scalar)
#7574 opened by zhu302198 - 5
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FieldResult<TResult> fails field resolver
#7598 opened by DovydasNavickas - 0
Document serialization behavior when passing object to ErrorBuilder.SetExtension
#7627 opened by shravan2x - 0
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