
Site plan

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Seeking any kind of input or suggestions on what I've just added to the readme, namely, the list of what I'm planning to build in the next couple of weeks. At the moment, besides QGIS which we're learning, there's nothing in there that I'm not confident in knowing how to build, but it certainly looks like a lot to get done.

No idea what if anything counts as project checkpoints or anything else at this point, I just want to get this site up because I like it, and whatever grades it can get it'll get.

@ebeshero @BMT45

BMT45 commented

@ChinoyIndustries I like your map idea using QGIS mapping to map this. Do you have the latitudes and longitudes measurements for each point as it would be critical to have so that you can point out the locations of where each carload that you have is going. All the top static level bullets would be good to have for your site. I believe that is a great idea to define the method you used to create the site and where you go the information from. This may sound a little picky and you do not have to do this but I would put your XSL, relax ng schema, and xml documents in a separate folder for organization's sake. The one thing you need to do in the near future is to store your xml files into the exist db data base so that you will be able to use XQuery to write out a TSV which would allow you to make a network graph or two for your site. I think this will help the analysis of the railroad project greatly and you could network the consignee to the billing of the lading to show what each carload was bringing in or out based on if it was inbound or outbound as an edge. or any other connections you can make in your information. From what you have, you're on the right track and just keep working on it. The main thing to take away from this would be to work on making the QGIS Map along with uploading your xml data into exist and making a network graph or two to go up on your site. Best of luck moving forward and I hope this helps you out!

Cool cool, I'll get things headed over to Exist. As for the lat/long data for each point, I'm finding those manually (won't take too long) once the companyindex.xml is created (that's next). Thanks for the input!