Add toggle to ignore undesired sequences
jhumfreez opened this issue · 5 comments
The current state works for hacking access points but there may be scenarios where the bottom-most sequences aren't the objectively best options, such as breaching enemies and devices.
Toggling whether the sequence is to be used in calculation and adding a visual cue that the sequence will be ignored may create the desired user experience.
Thank you.
Just uploaded an initial working prototype featuring sequence customization! The pathfinding is taking a lot longer than before though, so I'm trying to see if I can figure that out before a Play Store release.
OK, figured out the issues with pathfinding. Play Store release on the way! An APK should also be available in GitHub Releases in a few minutes.
Thanks for the updates! I was hoping to get my environment setup yesterday to assist or provide feedback but couldn't find the time. I'll take a look later today.
Yep, haven't looked into it but I think it should be a pretty simple fix. Will probably be in the next release!